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My Take: Halloween

halloween witch

So as most of you are painfully aware, Halloween is coming up on Saturday.  I’m getting inundated with healthful tips from all sides – from my trainer on Facebook (who calls for an all-out boycott of the candy-fest), to e-newsletters about weight loss and maintenance (filling us in on the caloric horrors that await us at every turn), to posts on enviro-blogs (suggesting ways to “green” up the holiday).  That’s not to mention the kid-generated hysteria that’s swirling around.

Another mom asked me this week what “I was going to do about Halloween,” and I realized that she probably thought that I was going to come up with some creative ideas for her about how to deal with all the candy and unhealthiness of the whole deal.  I’m sure I disappointed her.  I’ll tell you what I told her.  This Halloween will be no different than any other:  I’m going to seek to studiously avoid emptying the candy bucket while we allow L. to trick-or-treat her heart out and to eat too much candy that night, and maybe the next day, too. 

No, I’m not handing out stickers, or popcorn, or organic or natural anything.  Our candy is going to be artificially colored and flavored.  Can you believe it?

It’s really not so odd, and there is a method to my madness.  Despite the healthy recipes I put up here, and my commitment to cooking and eating whole foods and to exercising my body every day, I also preach moderation.  And that means that a few times a year, we go hog-wild and eat whatever the heck we want, and we enjoy it, darn-it!

This is the tack I take with my kid, and it’s a good rule for all of us – candy and other junk foods are “sometimes” foods – they are not “grow foods,” in that they have no nutritional value.  But they are tasty, and they are fun, and they are definitely OK to incorporate in small amounts into your diet.  I allow her treats and the occasional odd-request to have Ritz crackers or Cheez-Its for breakfast.  I haven’t put a lot of limits on food, in the hope that she would start to be able to moderate and to make her own, wise choices about what she eats.  Just like we grownups should do, right?  She is, after all, an adult-in-training.

So what we’re left with is a kid who sometimes has a peppermint candy before dinner . . . but NOT with a kid who obsesses about candy and junk, the way I did when I was a kid.  My parents were very strict about junk food and empty calories, and woo-hoo!  When I got out of that house, whoa-Nelly, there wasn’t a box of Cap’n Crunch (with Crunchberries, thankyouverymuch) left on the shelves of my local market.  Even now, when I get to eating bite-sized candies or something, I have to do a lot of self-talk to quit feeling like they’re a once-in-a-lifetime indulgence (it goes like this “you know, you can go up the street and buy a candy bar any day of the week!”).  Seriously – it borders on ridiculous.

All this business of cancelled bake sales and banning Halloween candy is not teaching our kids to moderate themselves and to make good choices down the road.  Instead, it’s turning candy and treats into the ultimate forbidden fruit . . . and we all know how that goes down in the end.  We need to educate kids as to why it’s not great to fill up on junk, about what it does to a body and a mind, and then once they’re equipped, hope that they make good choices for themselves when we’re not around to help out.  Just like crossing the street.

So how ’bout you?  What are you going to “do about” Halloween?  Do you indulge?  Abstain?  What are your favorite treats?  Are there some homemade goodies you’d like to tell us about?  Not me – mine all come plastic-wrapped with pre-printed labels.  I’m a sucker for mini Butterfinger, Snickers and Three Musketeers, I can hardly ever turn down a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup . . . .

© 2009, Sarah. All rights reserved.

  • Nicole

    I’m bribing my kids to give up their candy. We’ll go to Magic Beans; they’re donating the candy to the USO. They do eat sugary foods. I’m just not that into the excess that is Halloween (and they were a misery last year after eating so much sugar–crying, tantrums, etc.). It particularly affects my #2; he can’t go to sleep at night if there was cake at school for snack. And chocolate? Forget it (though I have been known to slip him some when he’s about to fall asleep in the car for a nap at 5:30).

  • Lindsay

    I love Halloween candy!! It is one of my favorite times of year… I buy the kinds of candy I like (Snickers, Reese’s cups, Milky Ways, M&Ms) and make sure I have a lot left over. I carefully hide all of the left-over candy, and I also sneak candy I like from my kids once they have trick-or-treated. I usually have a piece of candy or two with coffee mid-morning, and this will last until February at least. I cannot wait. Oh, was this about me or my kids??

  • http://www.wearenotmartha.com Sues

    I SO agree with this!! My parents always let me have treats and never “hid” the candy on me. They kept it out in the open and I never felt restricted. I also didn’t want it all the time because it was always there and didn’t feel super special or tempting. My best friend’s mom was super strict about candy, so my friend would sneak it all the time and ended up with some weight issues.

    When you tell a kid something that tastes so good is “bad” and you never let them have it, they make it their mission to find it!

    Plus, I just agree that Halloween should be fun for kids… It’s not like it’s every day :)

  • Heidi

    I like your take on Halloween – it sounds like my take on dessert. We have dessert… three times a week – always the same three days of the week. You get dessert in my house regardless of how many veggies you’ve eaten or if your plate is clean. I refuse to let dessert be a “reward” and I refuse to take it away as a “punishment”. We’re teaching that you can have dinner without dessert, you can eat veggies without a promise of something for it, and (sometimes) we teach that you can have dessert even if you don’t eat a good dinner. All of these little lessons will (might?) help my kids make good choices later on. Like you said – if food is forbidden it becomes sought after. Condemning any food makes it seem more exciting, somehow. (even Cap’t Crunch with crunchberries!) We will be going door to door gathering up various candies this Halloween and we will probably make ourselves sick for a day or two. Then the bags will end up on top of the refrigerator and be forgotten… just like some of last year’s candy that is probably still up there… just like the Easter candy and the birthday candy. Have fun, Everyone… in MODERATION!! :-)

  • http://www.pink-apron.com Kelly

    Honestly an all out boycott wouldn’t work for me. I’m always suspicious of anyone who suggests that one thing could possibly work for everyone. I’m in the process of losing a few pounds for the second time ::sigh:: and my approach has been to have a little bit of the things I really love as a special treat and really ask myself if it’s worth it. That means I avoid the boring candy I know I don’t really like, but giving myself permission to eat the things I know I do. This second time around losing weight I’ve been much more relaxed and focused on an intuitive way of eating and it seems to be working for me. I may be only losing 1 pound a week instead of 2-3 but I feel MUCH more sane and better about myself.

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