A Practical Guide To Healthy Living
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Category — Articles Of Note

Take Me, I’m Yours!

woman giving two thumbs up


Hey Sweeties . . . it’s the holidays and I am busy busy busy whipping up treats for you for the new year! Not cookies, pies or cakes, no no . . . this mama’s launching a new coaching venture!

Yes, you read that right, I’m takin’ my show on the road – to your house or business. I want to teach you how to eat for health and fat loss, how to prepare delicious foods that’ll boost your health, nutrition and physique, clean out your pantry, work out your body. Is accountability your weakest link? Let’s go high-touch: Hire me to be your coach, your nag, your sherpa through the journey of healthying up your diet and maximizing the efficacy of your workouts. Texts and emails go a long way toward keeping you on track to your goals. I’m never far from my smartphone . . . always at the ready to help you make a plan, guide you through a crisis and help you reach your goals.

While this blog was sleeping, I’ve been studying, working toward my official certifications in personal training and nutrition, and soft-launching my business. Current clients are seeing RESULTS. Weight lost, confidence gained, lessons learned, permanent lifestyle changes are being MADE. Listen to what they’re saying:

“No more self-sabotage!”

“My cravings have diminished . . . .”

“The support has been super helpful for me.”

“Who knew that one simple tip could be a complete game-changer for me.”

“I always think it’ll be so awkward if I don’t partake in all things delish, but in reality, it’s all about the company.”

“You have seriously been the difference maker . . . this is the most weight I’ve lost.”


This could be you! Why not get in touch and let me help you move the ball forward in 2014?

I’m taking on a limited number of clients, will one of them be YOU? Drop me a line at sarah at semisweetonline dot com and let’s make magic happen for you!

December 17, 2013   0 Comments

A Few Of My Favorite Things

Happy Friday, everyone! Here’s a roundup of my most popular pins this week.

This Pina Colada fruit salad recipe would be a great addition to a summer brunch:

Source: tasteofhome.com via Sarah @ on Pinterest

Avocado & lime & cantaloupe salad? YES!


Source: theppk.com via Sarah @ on Pinterest

I have 5,000 lbs. of CSA tomatoes on my counter – this Southeast Asian tomato salad would be a tasty & creative way to showcase them:


Source: yumsugar.com via Sarah @ on Pinterest

 What about carrots? I have a ton of those, too, from my CSA. This duo of shredded carrot salads (one sweet, one savory) is a treat for the eyes, as well as for the palate!


Source: kblog.lunchboxbunch.com via Sarah @ on Pinterest

 The addition of corn is an interesting twist on the classic Caprese salad:


Source: simplyrecipes.com via Sarah @ on Pinterest

 I’d add a can of rinsed & drained pinto beans to this Mexicali raw corn salad with beans & lime to create a light, vegetarian lunchbox item:


Source: care2.com via Sarah @ on Pinterest

And my most popular workout pin? This rockin’ 5-superset Arms & Abs workout . . . summer’s not over yet, my friends!


Source: theleangreenbean.com via Sarah @ on Pinterest


P.S. Not following me on Pinterest? That’s just wrong. Find me here!

August 24, 2012   2 Comments


I know you tune in to Semi-Sweet to read posts about and see lists of my recommended spots to eat and shop, and now there’s another platform to follow my travels – urbantag. It’s launching today, and it should be great – you know how Pinterest gives you a chance to curate all your favs in whatever categories you choose? Well, urbantag’s similar – it lets you curate your own personal collection of places to share with your friends.

In short, urbantag’s an easy way to:

• leave a quick opinion on real-world places
• discover new places from trusted sources
• curate once, publish anywhere

For more info, sign up here: http://www.urbantag.com.

I’ve been made an urbantag “Tastemaker” (love this!) and I’m using urbantag to bookmark and share places I love. I’ve kicked it off by building a map called “Healthy Restaurants and Markets in Greater Boston” that you can view here: http://urbant.ag/02G9Oa. Let me know what you think. Once you follow my map, you can also have access on the go by downloading the iPhone app here.

Now you tell me: What should my next urbantag map be?

March 28, 2012   0 Comments

Take Action on BPA

In yesterday’s post, I told you about the SSI/BCF study re BPA in food, and about the 60% decrease in the body burden the families realized when they stopped using canned goods. It caught your attention, right? You’re concerned, no? [Read more →]

April 6, 2011   6 Comments

Have You Seen The News?

Most of you know I’m all about eating fresh foods, limiting your chemical exposures, yada yada yada. You know I don’t use canned goods anymore at home.  Well, listen to this one. The good people at the Silent Spring Institute, along with the Breast Cancer Fund, last week released a small study that showed that food packaging is the major source of exposure to BPA and DEHP in children and adults, and that a fresh food diet reduces levels of these chemicals by half, after just three days. Yowza. [Read more →]

April 5, 2011   4 Comments


exclamation point

Hi friends,

Check out the wonderful Macheesmo blog today for my guest post on cultured and fermented foods and why YOU should eat some. 

While you’re there, click around and check out Nick’s awesome recipes and lovely photos.  Don’t forget to fan him on Facebook, and follow him on Twitter!


April 13, 2010   1 Comment

If You Read Only One Nutrition Publication

nutrition action healthletter

I urge you to make it this one.

 I know you’re not all as obsessed with nutrition as I am.  But do you have an appetite for a little more information?  Something practical and easy to read?  Something that empowers you by providing information on current hot topics and foods that “real” people eat like products from conventional supermarkets and items available at chain restaurants?  I have a recommendation for you . . . the Nutrition Action Healthletter, published by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI).  If you’re going to read one health/nutrition periodical, this should be the one.

First, a little background.  CSPI was founded in 1971 as an independent non-profit consumer health group.  You may never have heard of CSPI, but you’ve felt their impact.  From their website

CSPI’saccomplishments include leading the efforts to win passage of laws that require Nutrition Facts on packaged foods (and, later, to include trans fat on those labels), define the term “organic” for foods, and put warning notices on alcoholic beverages. CSPI also conducted eye-popping studies on the nutritional quality of restaurant meals and movie theater popcorn, helped to increase funding for the government’s food safety inspections and nutrition and physical activity programs, and spurred new policies in some cities and states to remove soda and junk foods from schools. CSPI also helped New York City adopt the nation’s first ordinances to ban trans fat from restaurants and list calorie information on menus and menu boards, and is working with other cities and states on similar measures.

CSPI doesn’t accept government or industry funding, and the Nutrition Action Healthletter accepts no advertising, so what you’re getting in this pint-sized publication (issues top out at around 15-20 pp. maximum) is unvarnished and unbiased.  Period.

Why should you spend $24 for 10 issues?  Because it’s readable and relevant.  Take, for example, the April, 2010 issue.  The cover story is about why Americans need to cut down on salt, along with practical advice on how to do it.  You’ll see ways to “defuse a salt mine” – namely, how to add ingredients to a typical Chinese take-out dish or the boxed prepared food you get at the supermarket to bring down the sodium content per serving.  You’ll see a side-bar with popular menu items from large chain restaurants (think Panera, Olive Garden, Chipotle) along with their sodium content.  You will be astounded.

Other features this month include one on probiotics.  The article cuts through the advertising hype and gives you the skinny on how to spend your money on probiotic foods and supplements.  Another article reveals the sugar and calorie-content of coffee drinks and popular menu items at major chains like Starbuck’s, McD’s and Dunkin’ Donuts.  Included here are helpful charts with the calorie, sat. fat, added sugar and caffeine content of popular menu items, along with suggestions for which are considered by CSPI to be a “Best Bites.” You could literally cut these pieces out and tuck ‘em in your wallet for reference if you’re a frequent flyer at any of these chains. 

Interspersed with the big articles are news-bites on various hot-button nutrition issues, along with the monthly “Healthy Cook” feature which serves up inspiration for quick ‘n’ easy whole-foods cooking.

I’ve been a subscriber for something like 15 years, and I’m paid up through 2012.  I pay for my subscription, and I haven’t been approached by anyone to endorse this publication.  I’m inspired to recommend it to you only by my respect for the CSPI and my adoration of the Healthletter’s content.  If you’re looking for some nutrition information to chew on, but not too much, this is the pub. for you.  Find out more here.

March 31, 2010   3 Comments

Sweet Holiday Hotlinks

sausage links full size

Happy Wednesday, friends!  Been a long time since I put up some hotlinks . . . . Here’s a nice collection of holiday links for you – focused on sweets.  I haven’t tried them, yet, but if you do, will you post in the comments and let us know what you think? 

Here’s a great-looking recipe for peppermint cookie bark. (Macheesmo)

This cookie made with pistachios, dried cranberries and candied ginger shouts “Christmas!” (Luna Cafe)

Perhaps you’ll want to loosen your belt and serve The Kitchen Witch’s rendition of Ina Garten’s luscious croissant bread pudding. (The Kitchen Witch)

Go free-form with this fabulous looking cherry almond galette- no hardcore baking skills needed. (The (Wicked) Awesome Whisk)

Here’s a collection of delicious-looking cookie recipes adapted from local bakeries. (Globe Magazine)

And last, but not least, a yummy sweet kugel recipe . . . if you’ve never had sweet noodle pudding, you need to try this one out . . . and you know?  It’d be great (yet decidedly not traditional!) with your Christmas ham. (Bitten)

December 16, 2009   0 Comments

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